How It Started
This UW iSchool Capstone project was inspired by our team lead Jasper's own experience with navigating clothing as a transgender and non-binary individual. Even after overcoming the initial challenge of transitioning their wardrobe while in the closet, they still face obstacles accessing masculine-cut clothing that fits their body, especially chestwear that is both comfortable AND identity-affirming. The many transgender and LGBTQ people we interviewed echoed similar stories, confirming a broader struggle surrounding clothing in the transgender+ community.
Current Work
So far, we have:
1. Rigorously iterated on our visual design to incorporate feedback from user research and testing
2. Developed a web application with basic browsing, posting, user account management features
3. Set up a database to handle user and post data
Future Steps
This project will be made open-source as of 06/10/2023 and passed on for future iSchool capstone teams to continue. If you are interested in participating in this project,
please contact Jasper at maynjas19@gmail.com.
Feel free to view our handoff documentation here